Hiring Managers – Your Role in New Executive Early Wins
Hiring Manager engagement is the key differentiator in the success of new hires. By helping new employees through the assimilation and integration process, you provide them a firm foundation in the company from both a cultural and business perspective.
Through his many years developing and facilitating the Transition Acceleration Program (TAP), Tad Dwyer has identified the three major categories of executive wins – entry, early, and enduring. All of these can be expedited by the actions and behaviors of the hiring manager. The graphic below shows an ideal “distribution” of early wins over the first 90 days. Executed well, these wins set the stage for ongoing, sustained success that brings about longer retention rates, better employee investment, and a more effective, productive workplace.
Importance of Wins
Entry wins – gain valuable insights into background and contextual information on the company, team, competitive position, customers, and key stakeholders.
Early wins – expedite new hire’s ability to take on the responsibilities of the job autonomously with increasingly less dependence upon the hiring manager.
Enduring wins – deliver on (and exceed) the hiring manager’s initial expectations and success scorecard for the executive. These wins are at the heart of why the company made the new hire and prove that they made an excellent hiring choice.
Use this Hiring Manager Tool checklist to tailor manager actions and behaviors to help executives deliver wins!